One way to ensure successful learning is to have a productive classroom and safe school.  This involves all students following 4 simple expectations:


At Howe, we use a behavior management program entitled PBIS.  It stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  Our motto at Howe is to BE A TOP DOG!” Throughout the first few days of school, we will discuss, model, and encourage positive behavior in the classroom, in the hallways, on the playground, in the bathrooms, and in the cafeteria.  Students are expected to use their "cool tools" and act accordingly at all times throughout the school day.  
To acknowledge positive behavior, students will periodically be given "paw prints" when they are caught being responsible, respectful, safe, and/or a learner.  These paw prints can be saved and then cashed in for rewards such as lunch in the classroom, doing morning announcements, dancing to music, etc.
If your child has trouble following the PBIS expectations at any point during the day, and has not responded to reminders and redirections, an ODR (office disciplinary referral) sheet will be filled out for him or her.  This will be kept on file in the office.  A brief conference with the student(s) and involved staff member(s) will then take place to encourage improved behavior in the future.  I will notify you of any behavior concerns as they come up throughout the year.
This behavior management program is set up to encourage positive behavior and make the learning environment safe and effective for all students.  It is only successful with the full support of parents, so I thank you in advance for discussing this with your child throughout the school year!

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